The Perfect Post
The best advice I was given when I decided to share my words through this blog was...
"Don't write for others, write for yourself"
As I enter into writing this second post I realized how easy it was to fall into writing for others. Saying things to myself like:
"What do they want to read about?"
"Will they like it?"
"Who's reading this?"
"What if they don't like it?"
"How much of myself do I really want to share?"
"What will happen if I actually share what's really on my mind?"
I also have decided these are symptoms of The Perfect Post Syndrome. Ok so maybe it's not actually a syndrome and maybe it is, who's to say it is or isn't? This is exactly my point who's to say this is The Perfect Post or isn't? Someone will always be the critic, ALWAYS! And because I got so caught up in creating The Perfect Post, it kept me from posting at all, and oddly enough the biggest critic is probably me.
One thing I have been taught and can continue to recognize about myself is if something is happening in one area of my life it is definitely happening everywhere. Have you ever heard the saying,
"everywhere you go, there you are" ?
When I take a moment to stop and look at myself and my life I can acknowledge that this perfect post syndrome is also a reflection of me in most of my days right now trying to be in the perfect mood, want to have the perfect day and even the perfect practice on my mat (perfect for me meaning 'happy or best'). Instead what I am really doing is missing out on is what's actually happening right now. Rather than letting life flow the way in needs to and allowing things to happen naturally I am getting caught up in the perfect post syndrome.
This time of year for me seems to always have more challenges than others and I always feel like during this time of year I am in a constant feeling of fixing and making things better rather than allowing them to just be. I actually never considered myself to be a perfectionist at all until this very post, the word perfectionist even makes me feel uncomfortable. If you were to ask me what perfectionist looks like I actually picture the opposite of who I am. Yet I can totally acknowledge it is something on some level that I seem to be striving for right now, expecting instant results even in the smallest or simplest things such as writing this blog, wanting my mood or day to change because I have no real reason to be upset or avoiding my mat all together because I don't feel like being on it.
Things don't need flashing lights, bells and whistles. It's not about having The Perfect Post, being in the perfect mood all the time, having the perfect day every day or getting on my mat only when it feels good. It's learning how to write a real in the moment just as things are right now post, it's about allowing my moods to flow as they need to, accepting that some days will have more joyful moments in them then others and getting on my mat no matter how I feel because the movement of my body allows my energy to move.
So here is me allowing my not so perfect post, in my not so perfect mood, on this not so perfect day, at a not so perfect time to be published because...
creating something is better than creating nothing at all.